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Register With HRP - Ninja Kart Licence 2025
Use the form below to complete the drivers licence application online.
This agreement is made between Hardie Race Promotions (HRP) and
Driver Date of Birth:
, Age at last birthday:
This contract will terminate on the 31st December 2025 or upon the drivers's 11th birthday, unless terminated sooner in accordance of this contract.
I understand that I may race a Ninja Sprint Kart and confirm that I am competent and capable of doing so. I fully understand the nature and type of racing in which I wish to participate and am fully familiar with the nature, layout, features and geography of the circuits upon which I wish to race.
I agree that by completing this form, this will be recorded as a digital signature by the named driver above
Tick to confirm digital signature
I, the driver hereby apply to HRP to race a Ninja Sprint Kart on their controlled racing circuits. I am 6 years old or over, but not over 11. I understand that this licence entitles only the driver to entry to the stadium on dates when racing. I have read this agreement and the HRP / Ninja Kart rules and agree to abide by them and the rules and conditions as set out below.
Parent/Guardian agreement further in this document must be completed by the Parent / Guardian.
I agree
1. Not to take part, as a person or allow my competition car, my name or racing number to be used with any other promotion advertising, at any time within the dates of this agreement, other than with HRP or promotions advertising affiliated organisations, or without written permission of HRP.
2. I agree to abide by the rules as laid down by HRP [and it’s Board of Control]. I agree that I must remain in my kart at all times whilst within the confines of the track, unless in an emergency situation or asked to get out of the kart.
3. I hereby give HRP the right to use my name or my racing number, and any photographs or video footage of me and or my race car, or similar for the purpose of advertising or publicity as they see fit.
4. I will pay HRP on the completition of this agreement the sum of £60 (inc VAT) for a licence.
4.1 HRP will on acceptance of this agreement supply me with a Driving (Racing) Licence (aka log book), and Number (exclusive to myself for the period of this agreement), and notification of my racing grade and the opportunity to race according to the rules set out in the rule book. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I acquire a copy of the 2025 rules and regulations; these can be downloaded from our website, the spedeworth website or from the ORCi website.
5. New applicants are required to complete a multiple choice written test and a basic driving skills test before a licence will be issued. This should be arranged with HRP before attending your first meeting.
There is a charge of £55 payable to HRP for this test
. 6. I understand that any Sponsorship, Advertising rights or Benefits I might receive from the same, must have the prior written approval of HRP.
7. I understand that any personal injury sustained by me during racing on HRP controlled tracks will NOT entitle me to the personal accident benefits listed in the ORCi rule book for drivers aged 18 years or over, but a nominal amount will be paid by Company's Insurers to a maximum of £1,000 for loss of eyes, limbs or permanent total disablement. No other payments whatsoever will be made by HRP and HRP accepts no other responsibilitiy other than stated herein.
8. That except in the case of death or personal injury caused by HRP’s negligence, or as expressly provided in this Contract, HRP shall not be liable to me by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of HRP, its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision by HRP of this Contract and the right to race at the Circuits or the use of the Circuits by me, and the entire liability of HRP under or in connection with the Contract shall not exceed the amount of HRP’s charges pursuant to the Contract.
9. Either I or HRP may (without limiting any other remedy) at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the other if the other commits any material breach of the Contract and, if such breach is capable of remedy) fails to remedy the breach within 30 days after being required by written notice to do so, or if the other goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors, or has a receiver or administrator appointed.
10. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between us and supersedes any previous agreement or understanding and may not be varied except in writing between myself and HRP.
11. Scottish law shall apply to this Contract and both I and HRP agree to submit to the exclusive juristriction of the Scottish Courts.
A copy of this agreement will be emailed to you automatically upon completion. We recommend you keep this for your own records.
The Company reserves absolute right to take whatever action to disqualification as deemed to be necessary.
Medical Questionnaire - Must Be Completed
I hereby warrant the following answers are true and each warranty is repeated and continues to be true throughout the term of this agreement in respect of my medical condition.
Do you suffer from epilepsy or sudden attacks of disabling giddiness?
Are you suffering from any defect in movement or muscular power?
Are you suffering from any disease, medical condition mental or physical, or disability which may cause the driving by you in a competition to be a source of danger to yourself and to others?
Do you suffer from any back problems, which have caused, you to visit a Doctor within the last 12 months?
If the answer is yes to any of the above medical questions A DOCTORS LETTER WILL BE REQUIRED, prior to a racing licence being granted. In order to process any insurance claim form we need to obtain the Incident Report Form. Please agree below to authorise HRP to obtain this on your behalf.
Yes, I Agree
Previous Racing History
Racing Numbers:
Racing Formula:
What Years:
Previous Promotion:
Last Grade:
Highest Grade:
Disclosure of previous or current racing suspensions or bans
Are you currently under a suspension or ban from racing?
Have you been suspended or banned from racing by HRP or any other promotion in or out of the ORCi?
If the answer is yes to either of the above please give details.
Main formula to be raced according to this application
Ninja Kart
Race Number Requested:
Driver Details
Post Code:
Your Email Address:
Mobile Number:
Landline Number:
Should any other driver / sponsor request your details, can we give them your name / email / mobile number?
Sponsor Details:
Birth Certificate Details:
(Please ensure you upload a copy of the birth certificate in the uploads of this form)
Certificate Number:
Issuing Body:
I confirm that the details completed in this form are true to the best of my knowledge
The details completed above are correct to the best of my knowledge
Parent / Guardian Agreement
I, (Parent / Guardian Name)
of ("Child")
understand that my child wishes to participate in racing at HRP Controlled Circuits. I confirm I am familiar with the nature of the competition and the risks inherent therein and that I have been given the opportunity before allowing my child to race, to inspect the course/circuit/track and its facilities. I hereby confirm I am satisfied and content that my child be allowed to participate as a competitor, and is competent so to do.
In consideration of the organisers allowing my child to compete I hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the organisers, officials, land owners, HRP and employees, its servants or agents, and other competitors against all sums whether by way of damages, costs or otherwise which they may be required to pay to my child for any reason whatsoever including without limitation their negligence and/or breach of statutory duty arising from child’s participation in competition and racing.
I confirm that my child does not suffer from any physical or mental disability which would make it unsafe for him/her to participate as a competitor. I have read this contract fully, and have ensured that my child has completed the contract honestly and accurately.
I hereby accept that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child and I have read and understood the rules and regulations and that he/she will comply with them. It is my responsibility to ensure that my child and I have received/downloaded a copy of the 2025 rules and regulations (HRP/Spedeworth Rule Book + ORCi Rules of Racing).
. I declare to the best of my belief that my child possesses the standard of competence necessary for an event of the type to which his/her entry relates and that the machine (race car) entered is suitable and race worthy, is safe and complies with the rules and regulations as specified in the HRP/Spedeworth Rule Book Rule Book.
Digitially signed by the parent and / or Guardian
of the above named "Child" as witnessed by (Witness Name)
I confirm that I give the above named "Child" consent to race at HRP and associated tracks
I give consent for the "Child" to race and that I am a legal parent / guardian.
General Data Protection Regulation
Following the data protection law amendment in Europe in May 2018, Hardie Race Promotions are committed to keeping all the data that we hold for our drivers, staff, sponsors and spectators safe at all times.
HRP / Spedeworth Motorsports are asking for your consent to hold information for the right to use your name, race number, photographs or video footage, or addresses of yourself for the purpose of advertising or publicity as Hardie Race Promotions see fit.
HRP / Spedeworth Motorsports are asking for permission to use your personal information (Phone Number, Email, Address) to contact you and include you as part of a mailing list. By agreeing below, you agree to Hardie Race Promotions to hold your information and use for purposes as detailed above.
In the case of Junior drivers (under 18), this consent should be completed by the Parent/Guardian who has completed the licence.
Do You Agree:
Yes, I Agree
No, I Do Not Agree
Required Documents
Driver Photo
This must be a recent photo and should only show your head and shoulders.
Proof of Age
A clear photo (jpg file) must be uploaded of the birth certificate.
What is 2+2+2? (Human Check):
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Hardie Race Promotions, Lochgelly Motorsports Complex, Lochgelly, Fife, KY5 9BU